Schleich Blizzard Bear

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RRP $18.95Save 15%
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As strong as a bear and cold as ice: The blizzard bear by Schleich? Eldrador? Creatures uses several weapons to keep invaders off the ice. Firstly, he is a master of camouflage: With his snow-white coat, the polar bear blends in perfectly with the ice world environment ? and takes his enemies by surprise. Anyone who cannot run away fast enough will come into contact with his strong, movable arms ? trying to escape is useless! One of his powerful claws is made entirely of ice - with one touch he can freeze his opponents! If an enemy escapes from the gigantic blizzard bear, he reaches for his secret weapon: A magic ice pick. The bear can use the ice pick to create a monstrous storm of countless ice particles, which sweeps opponents away as if with an icy wind. Attacking the blizzard bear is virtually pointless: His icy breastplate can withstand any attack!. Fun fact. The longest round of hide-and-seek with the blizzard bear lasted six hours. Since then, none of the ice creatures want to play hide-and-seek with him anymore.
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