How to make a return
If for any reason the product you purchased is not suitable you may return it to us without any hassle once the following criteria is reached.
Goods remain the property of the customer until received back in our warehouse and checked. Therefore it is very important that all returns are packaged in such a way that they will not be damaged in transit. Any items which are returned damaged or unfit for resale will be refused for refunds and will remain the property of the customer.
Goods can be returned via DPD with the special price below, any courier of your chosing or instore. ( Please note in store returns will be refunded via our website)
The following terms apply:
- Goods must be returned within 21 days of receipt.
- Goods must be returned in original packaging, in new condition with any labels still attached.
- Items which have been assembled cannot be returned.
- The original receipt and a note of reason for return must be returned with the goods.
- Orders which qualified for free shipping will have the shipping cost deducted from any refunds.
- Goods listed in our Special Offers or Clearance sections are non-refundable, but may be exchanged.
- Returns must be approved by Tinney’s Toys prior to returning.
- Shipping costs are non-refundable.
- Media or Software cannot be returned once open
- Electrical items are non returnable - this includes batteries, chargers, motors, gear shifters, swtcihes etc.
We offer an extended returns policy until January 7th for Christmas shopping. This applies to orders placed after November 1st.
Republic of Ireland/Northern Ireland Returns
Our new online returns option with DPD makes it easier to return your parcel in 8 simple steps. Please note all returns from the Republic of Ireland/Northern Ireland are charged at €5.85.
- Go online to
- Continue as guest
- Select ‘Tinneys Toys’ from the drop down list
- Enter your reference number (this is your order number) and reason for return
- Select your parcel size
- Print off the label and attach it to the outside of your repackaged parcel
- Drop off your parcel at one of the DPD pickup points located across Ireland. To find your nearest pickup point, visit
- You will receive a pay zone receipt as proof of your return. This will include a tracking number to allow you to track the status of your return. The refund will be processed back to your original payment method once your package has arrived back to us and checked.
UK Returns
UK returns should be sent to our Northern Ireland warehouse.
Tinneys Toys (NI) Ltd
20C Balliniska Road, Springtown Industrial Estate, Derry, BT48 0NA