In the Attack on Ice Fortress from Schleich Eldrador Creatures, nasty obstacles, a mighty drawbridge and a secret hiding place await the battle crocodile from the jungle world as he ventures deep into the ice. His goal: to get the super weapon for himsfairy! But the sword lies hidden beneath a thick shield of ice and is fiercely guarded by the ferocious saber tooth tiger .... A victory for the ice creatures: they got the super weapon for themselves! Now the sword lies behind a thick ice shield in their ice fortress, guarded by the saber tooth tiger. But the battle crocodile from the jungle world wants to gain control of the sword. The Attack on Ice Fortress from Schleich Eldrador Creatures poses many dangers even to the crocodile, with his movable arms and bone weapon. He has to be careful not to step on any of the countless traps during his attack, as the path towards the superweapon is paved with nasty obstacles. If the ice spike trap or the drawbridge are triggered, the battle crocodile will end up in the icy water, and if he’s really unlucky, the extendible ice spike bars will block his way. Once inside the ice fortress, it’s time to defeat the mighty saber tooth tiger, who is fiercely defending the super weapon's hiding place. Who will win the duel? Jungle or ice?. Schleich® figurines are modelled in the finest detail to help children learn while they play.. Lots of functions to activate, plus a modular design!. Battle crocodile with movable arms and weapon + sabre-toothed tiger only available in this set!. This item is part of the Eldrador Creatures theme world